
Showing posts from 2015

ACTCLSA Enrolment Form

Each student enrolling before May 30 has to fill in an additional enrolment form: the Community Language Schools Enrolment Form. This form has to be completed for each student (not one per family), taken in to the child’s full-time school where it has to be signed and stamped by the school principal or authorised person. This then has to be returned to the CIS office. This form is used to allocate ACT Government funding for each student that goes towards subsidising textbooks, learning materials, printing and photocopying, prizes, etc. Please download  ACTCLSA Enrolment Form

Mogo Zoo Excursion – November 2015

  On 29 November, 2015 CIS went on our annual excursion – this time to Mogo Zoo. All praise is to Allah for the great day and company we had on our trip to  Mogo   Zoo . Allah blessed us with good weather, yes, it did get a little hot and humid for us Canberrans, but we did pretty well! 157 students, parents, siblings and even grandparents and staff went to Mogo Zoo. We travelled by three coaches from Bensleys in Braidwood. I must say, Sally, the owner of  Mogo   Zoo  (she is the lady who welcomed us at the start) and other staff at the  Zoo  were very impressed with the behavior and conduct of our students and tour group – MashaAllah! Lunch was crisp and yummy when it arrived – the only issue was that Berny’s Fish & Chips underestimated the time it would take to cook enough for 157 hungry hippos! We were informed by Bernys that they prepared the chips from fresh potatoes (chipped and fried at the premises) and fish from fresh fish – nothing was out of frozen packets! The Coach tri

CIS Performance at CLSA Open Day

On Saturday, 7 November CIS participated in the Community Language Schools Open Day festivities. Some of our students performed a skit based around the famous Nasheed by Zain Bikha,   Pizza in his Pocket. On Saturday, 31 October, the children performed the same skit and Nasheed at the  Walk Together, Kite Together Festival  on the lawns of Reconciliation Place near Questacon and facing the Old Parliament House. They were both lovely days and the children performed beautifully, MashaAllah.

Levels 4 & 5B Arabic & Quran Studies A1 Class Review

For Review of Level 4B & 5B Group 1 Quran and Arabic (with Br Zaid), please work through the worksheets in the link below: CIS_Level 4B GRP1_Class Review_2015_Zaid

Level 3 Term 4 Quran Studies

We have been revising the Surah’s (Al-fatiha upto Al-Quraish). We will have test in next week and week after. through some small games and right and wrong question answers. It will be appreciated if parents help kids practice some word meanings and revise the story of the Surah’s at home.

Level 1, Term 4, Arabic

Group 1 still working hard for making sure they know there Alphabets. Group 2 Kids revised pages 18-22. This week they have been asked to write page 22-23 and read in loud voice while writing that page. next couple of weeks assessments will be done so please parents help your kids. For assessment kids need to know their qalqala letter( Qaf, Tua, Ba, Jeem Daal), Throat Letter(ghain, Kha top. Ain, Haa middle of thrat. Hamza haa end of throat) Heavy letters.( Kha, Suad,Duad,Ghain,Tua, Qaaf, Zua).

Level 1 Term 4 Arabic

We revised pages 18, 19,20,21. Student are asked to practice these pages well at home some online websites were attached last week for students who joined us recently or are still struggling with alphabets.

Level 1, Term 4, Arabic

  This and last week we revised some previous pages from green book. Students have been advised to revise up to page 18 at home. next week again we will continue with the revision and will focus on learning some new pages.

Level 3, Term 4, Islamic Studies

Alhamdollilah most of the students brought back their home work about Orphan kids and how the guardians should be dealing with them. and Alhamdollilah some kids brought their 5daily salah chart other did 3 or 4 prayers a day, however some students missed on all salah’s. I request all the parents to encourage them at home to record as many salah as they can. Masha ALLAH they are 7 and need to be reminded about salah every day every time. Chart is attached for them please print and give it to your child.   salah chart

Level 5G Islamic Studies: Term 3 Week 7 (6 Sept, 2015)

On 6 Sept we discussed the Hajj model (diorama) up to the Day of Arafat (9th Dulhijjah), and didn’t have enough time to study about Yaum An Nahr (10th Dulhijjah) material given for homework last week. There were students who have neither read the page nor done the homework though. InshaAllah we’ll be covering 10th – 13th Dulhijjah this coming Sunday 13/9. For Parents: For those who haven’t done so, please share the story of Hajj as you know it, and ensure your daughter reads chapter 29 (page 187) of the ISLAMIC STUDIES Grade 9 text-book and complete the exercise on page 191.     For Students: For those who haven’t done so: 1. Please read chapter 29 (page 187) of the ISLAMIC STUDIES Grade 9 text book. 2. Please complete the exercise on page 191.

Level 5G – Term 3 Islamic Studies

In Term 3, Level 5G have been studying Seeratun Nabi (History of Rasulullah (s)) and Hajj with Sr Niken. All lessons covered in Term 3 can be accessed at the following links: 2 Aug, 2015:  Lesson 1-Before revelation 9 Aug, 2015:  Lesson 2-Revelation, first, second stage 16 Aug, 2015:  Lesson 3-Abyssinia 23 Aug, 2015:  Lesson 4-Boycott 30 Aug, 2015: Hajj – Yaum-an-Nahr Hajj – Yaum-an-Nahr Hajj season is around the corner, and it’s time to visit and/or re-visit the ritual of Hajj. For parents who have performed Hajj, please share your story to your daughter including the significance of it. Next week we’ll start the lesson on Hajj. For Parents: Please share the story of Hajj as you know it, and ensure that your daughter reads chapter 29 (page 187) of the ISLAMIC STUDIES Grade 9 text book and complete the exercise on page 191.   For Students: 1. Please read chapter 29 (page 187) of the ISLAMIC STUDIES Grade 9 text book. 2. Please complete the exercise on page 191.

Level 1 Arabic: Term 3 Week 5 (23 Aug, 2015)

This week we revised up to page 18 and practiced page 19 with kasra. It was explained to students that kasra is lowering your lower lips and make an E sound. We also practiced Throatal letters, bite your tongue, letters heavy letters. They are asked to practice the joining of the letters and try to read page 20 at home.

Level 3 Quran Studies Term 3 Week 5 (23 Aug, 2015)

Alhamdollilah most students completed their homework for Surat al-Kawthar. I hope every body else will bring there homework back this week. Students are asked to practice their word meanings for surah Al-Kawthar and Surat al-Maun. Inshallah next week they will repeat both surahs. This week we practiced sukoon, shaddah, and natural madd. Inshallah next week we will revise them and practice them during class. Help at home will be appreciated.

Level 3 Quran Studies Term 3 Week 3 (9 Aug, 2015)

Alhamdollilah. Over the first two weeks of Term 3 we did revision for Suratul Lahab, Suratul Masad and Suratul Kafiroon. This week we practiced Suratul Kauthar with translation and explanation. Students are asked to work on their word meanings. Inshallah this week we will continue with the same surah and some activity in the class.

Level 1 Arabic Term 3 Week 3 (9 Aug, 2015)

Asalamoalikum wrmt wbrkt, Alhamdulillah, the Level 1 beginners group has been split into two groups this week. Some new students and some previous students who still need some help will be learning with Sister Hanan and students who can join letters will continue with me, Inshallah. This week we have completed Alif to Ya joining of the words (page 16) and students are encouraged to practice them well at home(up to page 18). In next couple of weeks they will be moved to Kasra followed by damah and onward. Inshallah we are hoping hard work of the student will continue and they’ll achieve high levels by the end of year Inshallah. Please feel free to contact me if you have any concerns.

Level 3 Term 2 Homework, Quran Studies

Alhamdollilah most of the testing was done last week and this week. Inshallah the reports will be sent home in coming few weeks. This week we learnt Suratun Nasar. The importance of this Surah, the help of ALLAH SWT and the belive for muslims in ALLAH. all student are asked to practice the surah with makharij and write the word meanings and try to remember them Insha ALLAh.

Lessons from the Nooraniyyah Qaa'idah

Lessons from the Nooraniyyah Qaa’idah

Levels 4B & 5B – Quran & Arabic Test Preparation

  Level 4B & 5B – Br Zaid Asfour’s Group Quran & Arabic Revision

Start Student!

All students who participated In the Spirit of Ramadhan Competitions for the 2016 CIS Annual Iftar are STARS! The entries to the Competitions can be found here . A presentation of the Colouring-in and Poster competition as submitted by the students can be found here . A previous work on Animals in the Quran can be found here .

Level 3 Islamic Studies – Test Preparation

Level 3.1 Islamic Studies learned these Topics in Term 1 and 2 Topics: Greeting as Muslim, Muslim beliefs, Imam Mufassal with meaning, Allah’s commands and teachings, Shahadah, Adhan and Iqamah with meaning, Tahara before Salah. Salah  – Dua Thana, Niyyah, Qiyam, Ruku, Qawmah, Sajdah, sura Tashud, Salatu-l-ibrahimiyyah and Taslim Salah  – Two Rakat and four Rakat fard salah Marks for the test accumulated as: Number Items to follow Markes 1 Attendance 10 2 Homework 25 3 Class Participation 25 4 Test Oral 10 Written 10 Practical (Salah) 20 Total 100  

Levels 1 & 2 Islamic Studies – Test Preparation

Please help your child to go through the Pages we did in class. The topics we covered until last class are: Level 1 and 2 Islamic Studies Introduction to articles of faith Belief in Allah Belief in Angels Belief in Allah’s books Belief in His messengers Belief in the last day Al-Qadr

Level 1, Week 4 Arabic

So far we have learnt the Arabic alphabet, with fatha; Heavy and light letters; Throatal letters, bite-your-tongue letters; and the same family letters. Kids have been assessed weekly for improvement and in the coming week some feedback will be provided to parents. I highly recommend that parents should check the website for Canberra Islamic school regularly and let the kids play the games and get help from the web link we have posted. It is to help your child improve and be a part of the class.

Term 2, Week 4, Level 3 Arabic

This week we learnt the QALQALA letters(Qaf,Tua,Ba,Jeem,Daal(qutbjad)) We also learnt Ghunna and tanween and little bit about shadda. Inshallah in coming weeks more details practice will be done in class but students are requested to go to  House of Quran  or  Quran Explorer  and practice their surah’s with qari preferably sheikh Al-Husary. Mash Allah I am very proud to have such good students in my class. We have been receiving home work from most of the students and for their motivation every week we will announce the student of the week. Last week Yasmin Aissou was the student of the week and  this week Abdur Rahman and Maria Aamir are the student of the week for doing their homework with dedication and good thoughts. This week Inshallah I am expecting rest of the class to bring back the homework for Suratul Lahab.

Term 2, Level 3, Homework 10, Islamic Studies – Etiquettes of Salah

Level 3.1 Islamic Studies – Etiquettes of Salah Etiquettes of Salah (lesson 30 in Book ”We are Muslim”). Students are asked to learn about Tahara before Salah and also to be relaxed, punctual and regular in their Salah. The students learned how to do Wudu and Salah, please watch over their Wudu and Salah, when they are doing those.

Term 2, Week 3, Level 1, Arabic

Please click the link below for kids to learn Alphabets and play puzzle game.

Term 2, Week 3, Level 3, Quran Studies

Term2, Week3, Level 3 Quran Mashallah, last week we had good turnover for the homework from kids. Most of the kids brought their homework (translation of Surahs) and some students even did writing on Firaun (Pharoah) related to Suratul Ikhlas and explained the lesson they learnt from the life of Firaun and the belief in Oneness of ALLAH subhanahu wata’ala. This week we learnt Suratul Masad and the story of Rasulullah and Abdul Uzza (Abu Lahab) and his wife and why and how Allah will punish them in the Hereafter. Homework:  Students are asked to do a bit of research on this surah and write a few lines in their own words and present them in class next week Inshallah.

Surah Translation and Practice Game for Level 3 Please click the link above and let the kids practice these games Inshallah it will help them to recognize the meaning for the surahs.

Term 2, Week 2 Level 1, Arabic

  Asalamoalikum wrmt, This week we practiced  our alphabet again and I notice few students are still struggling to recognize them. We played pass-the-parcel game with alphabets so each student had a chance to randomly tell us the alphabet. Kids can go to for some practice or with parents and the pictures we have uploaded before can help them practice well. Inshallah in next two weeks we are planning to move forward for joining the letters. Please help your kids for their upcoming assessments and improvements. All the kids are reminded to come on time as late comers will be required to wait outside till the end of class, this is just to bring the uniformity Inshallah. We have only 30 minutes of 45 once a week for teaching and constant interruption can be waste of time. Jazakallah khair for your understanding. Please watch the followings:

Term 2, Week 2 Level 3, Quran Studies

Alhamdulillah we learnt Suratul Ikhlas this week and kids were told about the story of Suratul Ikhlas. They have been asked to do a bit of research about Firaun (Pharoah) and the miracle of Allah subhanahu wata’ala and write it in their own words: could be 5 lines or more. Mashallah, in last two weeks it was great to see most of the kids bringing their homework on posters and presenting in class. Inshallah it will keep them motivated to learn the meaning of the surahs and understand the importance of the Quran for the whole life. Please visit or and let the kids practice the surah they learnt to improve their makharij, Inshallah.

3 May; Level 3/4G Sr Hannan's Arabic Group Homework

Sr Hannan’s Level 3/4 Arabic lesson:   page 11 of Arabic reading book was revised and homework checked, some children moved on to page 12 while others were asked to repeat page 11 again since they needed more practice.

3 May; Level 3 Islamic Studies Homework

  Islamic Studies Homework Level 3; 3 May, 2015 While Sr Niken is away, Sr Rozana took the lesson: The different positions of Salah were demonstrated and practiced during class and pages 62 & 63 of workbook were given as homework.

Level 3, Week 1 Term 2 – Islamic Studies Homework

Level 3, Week 1 term two – Islamic Studies Topic covered:  Four Rakaat Salat , Prayer Textbook: We are Muslims, Lesson 18, pages 66 – 70,  Masaallah we learnt the different positions in salat and their names and dua & sura in each position. For those who were away, please read and understand the lesson and learn dua thana Tashahhud, Salatu-l-ibrahimiyyah and Taslim.

Term 2, Level 3, Week 1 - Islamic Studies

Level 3, Week 1 – Islamic Studies Topic covered: Salat, Prayer Textbook: We are Muslims, Lesson 12, Pages 36-38 Apart from the above, we also learnt of the different positions in salat and their names with pictures. For those who were away, read and understand the lesson and the handout  05-summary-How to perform Salat .

Term 2, Week 1, Level 1 - Arabic

Asalamoalikum wrmt wbrt Welcome back all. It has been a good break for all of us and Inshallah we will be all charged for learning something new for the sake of Allah SWT. First Sunday in school we revised Tauz and Tasmiyah followed by Arabic Alphabets and Alphbets with Fatha. We also practiced our words coming from throat heavy letters and bite our tongue letters. for the details check my previous post during school holidays. If you have any confusion or concerns please leave a reply or email me at saimajauhar<AT> Inshallah I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

Term 2 Level 3 Week 1 - Quran Studies

Asalamoalikum wrmt, Welcome back all. Alhamdulillah we are back already for term two. This term is very important as we will have mid year assessments done and parent teacher interviews Inshallah. Last term we completed Suratul Fatiha, Suratul Falaq and Surah An Nas, with translation and little tafseer and story of the surah with word meanings. All the kids were given assignment to make posters for the surah and present in class. It was to encourage them write the translation and remember it by heart. Some student have not finished their homework . I hope by next weekend they will bring the completed homework and get small gifts. their assessment will be based on their progress, regularity and home work. Inshallah we are hoping for the good result from all the student. Parents guidance and support is required for this result, Inshallah.   If you have any concerns or questions please email me on saimajauhar<AT> and Inshallah ill get back to you as soon as possible.

Quran Tajweed practice and memorisation

Follow the link below:

Level 3, Quran Studies, Homework

We have completed Alhamdollilah Surah Alfatiha, Surah-tul-falaq, Surah-tun-nas. Alhamdollilah we did practice the words meaning and explanation of the Surah’s and story behind. Kids are asked to practice them well at home and try to learn the meanings. This term Instead of regular homework we worked on repetition and to practice well students were asked to make posters, writing helps them remember the meaning well. Inshallah after coming back in start of term 2 we will have a short review and a small test for them hoping they have practiced. InshaAllah. For recitation and practice they can go to  Preferably listen to Sheikh Al-husary for good makharij and pronunciation. Or follow the link and download the quran for practice with muaalim.

Term 1, Levels 1 & 2 Arabic Homework & Progress

2015 Term 1 Arabic L1 & L2 Asalamoalikum wrmt, Alhamdollilah we had great term1. Hope every one is enjoying their holidays. During this term we learnt Tauz and Tasmiyah (Audobillahay minashaytaun nirajeem. Bismillahir Rahman niraheem), Arabic Alphabets Alif to Yaa. Words where you bite your tongue (Tha Zaa, Zua) Throttle letters, heavy and light letter, The family letters and the routes of Letters. where they come from. It is very easy for little ones to forget what they have learnt in class specially during school holidays, So I have attached some pictures for them to see and practice at home. Inshallah I will attaché some web links as well for online practice.