
Showing posts from April, 2015

Level 3, Week 1 Term 2 – Islamic Studies Homework

Level 3, Week 1 term two – Islamic Studies Topic covered:  Four Rakaat Salat , Prayer Textbook: We are Muslims, Lesson 18, pages 66 – 70,  Masaallah we learnt the different positions in salat and their names and dua & sura in each position. For those who were away, please read and understand the lesson and learn dua thana Tashahhud, Salatu-l-ibrahimiyyah and Taslim.

Term 2, Level 3, Week 1 - Islamic Studies

Level 3, Week 1 – Islamic Studies Topic covered: Salat, Prayer Textbook: We are Muslims, Lesson 12, Pages 36-38 Apart from the above, we also learnt of the different positions in salat and their names with pictures. For those who were away, read and understand the lesson and the handout  05-summary-How to perform Salat .

Term 2, Week 1, Level 1 - Arabic

Asalamoalikum wrmt wbrt Welcome back all. It has been a good break for all of us and Inshallah we will be all charged for learning something new for the sake of Allah SWT. First Sunday in school we revised Tauz and Tasmiyah followed by Arabic Alphabets and Alphbets with Fatha. We also practiced our words coming from throat heavy letters and bite our tongue letters. for the details check my previous post during school holidays. If you have any confusion or concerns please leave a reply or email me at saimajauhar<AT> Inshallah I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

Term 2 Level 3 Week 1 - Quran Studies

Asalamoalikum wrmt, Welcome back all. Alhamdulillah we are back already for term two. This term is very important as we will have mid year assessments done and parent teacher interviews Inshallah. Last term we completed Suratul Fatiha, Suratul Falaq and Surah An Nas, with translation and little tafseer and story of the surah with word meanings. All the kids were given assignment to make posters for the surah and present in class. It was to encourage them write the translation and remember it by heart. Some student have not finished their homework . I hope by next weekend they will bring the completed homework and get small gifts. their assessment will be based on their progress, regularity and home work. Inshallah we are hoping for the good result from all the student. Parents guidance and support is required for this result, Inshallah.   If you have any concerns or questions please email me on saimajauhar<AT> and Inshallah ill get back to you as soon as possible.

Quran Tajweed practice and memorisation

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Level 3, Quran Studies, Homework

We have completed Alhamdollilah Surah Alfatiha, Surah-tul-falaq, Surah-tun-nas. Alhamdollilah we did practice the words meaning and explanation of the Surah’s and story behind. Kids are asked to practice them well at home and try to learn the meanings. This term Instead of regular homework we worked on repetition and to practice well students were asked to make posters, writing helps them remember the meaning well. Inshallah after coming back in start of term 2 we will have a short review and a small test for them hoping they have practiced. InshaAllah. For recitation and practice they can go to  Preferably listen to Sheikh Al-husary for good makharij and pronunciation. Or follow the link and download the quran for practice with muaalim.

Term 1, Levels 1 & 2 Arabic Homework & Progress

2015 Term 1 Arabic L1 & L2 Asalamoalikum wrmt, Alhamdollilah we had great term1. Hope every one is enjoying their holidays. During this term we learnt Tauz and Tasmiyah (Audobillahay minashaytaun nirajeem. Bismillahir Rahman niraheem), Arabic Alphabets Alif to Yaa. Words where you bite your tongue (Tha Zaa, Zua) Throttle letters, heavy and light letter, The family letters and the routes of Letters. where they come from. It is very easy for little ones to forget what they have learnt in class specially during school holidays, So I have attached some pictures for them to see and practice at home. Inshallah I will attaché some web links as well for online practice.