
Showing posts from October, 2015

Level 1 Term 4 Arabic

We revised pages 18, 19,20,21. Student are asked to practice these pages well at home some online websites were attached last week for students who joined us recently or are still struggling with alphabets.

Level 1, Term 4, Arabic

  This and last week we revised some previous pages from green book. Students have been advised to revise up to page 18 at home. next week again we will continue with the revision and will focus on learning some new pages.

Level 3, Term 4, Islamic Studies

Alhamdollilah most of the students brought back their home work about Orphan kids and how the guardians should be dealing with them. and Alhamdollilah some kids brought their 5daily salah chart other did 3 or 4 prayers a day, however some students missed on all salah’s. I request all the parents to encourage them at home to record as many salah as they can. Masha ALLAH they are 7 and need to be reminded about salah every day every time. Chart is attached for them please print and give it to your child.   salah chart