
Showing posts from November, 2015

CIS Performance at CLSA Open Day

On Saturday, 7 November CIS participated in the Community Language Schools Open Day festivities. Some of our students performed a skit based around the famous Nasheed by Zain Bikha,   Pizza in his Pocket. On Saturday, 31 October, the children performed the same skit and Nasheed at the  Walk Together, Kite Together Festival  on the lawns of Reconciliation Place near Questacon and facing the Old Parliament House. They were both lovely days and the children performed beautifully, MashaAllah.

Levels 4 & 5B Arabic & Quran Studies A1 Class Review

For Review of Level 4B & 5B Group 1 Quran and Arabic (with Br Zaid), please work through the worksheets in the link below: CIS_Level 4B GRP1_Class Review_2015_Zaid

Level 3 Term 4 Quran Studies

We have been revising the Surah’s (Al-fatiha upto Al-Quraish). We will have test in next week and week after. through some small games and right and wrong question answers. It will be appreciated if parents help kids practice some word meanings and revise the story of the Surah’s at home.

Level 1, Term 4, Arabic

Group 1 still working hard for making sure they know there Alphabets. Group 2 Kids revised pages 18-22. This week they have been asked to write page 22-23 and read in loud voice while writing that page. next couple of weeks assessments will be done so please parents help your kids. For assessment kids need to know their qalqala letter( Qaf, Tua, Ba, Jeem Daal), Throat Letter(ghain, Kha top. Ain, Haa middle of thrat. Hamza haa end of throat) Heavy letters.( Kha, Suad,Duad,Ghain,Tua, Qaaf, Zua).