
Showing posts from 2016

Review Test on Sunday 13/11/16-Level 1 Islamic Studies

Assalamu Alaikum Wr Wbr, Alhamdulillah, a couple of review videos on topics done during Term 3 and 4 (Five pillars & articles of faith), were shown during the last lesson. InshaaAllah, a simple review test will be done on Sunday in lesson three and so the children are encouraged to revise the following topics and be ready for test. Five pillars  Six articles of faith Wasalam.

Level 1 Practise and Revision

Al Hamdu Lillah we have been revising from Arabic (Easy QURAN Reading book page 7 to page 26. Student should practice everyday for 10-15 minutes in parents supervision. In Sha ALLAH in next two weeks students will be assessed and reports will be sent to parents later in end of term. Group 1 and 2 will be assessed according to their learning. for Quran practice follow the link below and for tajweed and learning from Alphabets please download from app store Learn Arabic with Kareem Version 1.0

Excursion 2016!

  The CIS Annual Excursion is to the Shoalhaven Zoo and Trees Adventure in Nowra. There will be no classes on the day – 6 Nov, 2016 InshaAllah, we will be travelling by coach for an exciting day of fun activities, play and prayer together! For further information of where we are visiting: Shoalhaven Zoo Trees Adventure  – check out this  video Please make Duaa that we travel safe, have an enjoyable day and the weather is great.

Level 3 Islamic Studies Term 4 - Kind Words and Actions

Students in Level 3 Islamic Studies have learned about how to talk kindly and the action should be done accordingly. There will be a test two weeks later on this topic. They were asked to read lesson 31 in their book “We are Muslim”. Home work is attached to prepare for their test. 3-1-lesson-2-term-four-2016-kind-wors-and-action

Level 3 Islamic Studies - Term 4 - Zakat

Alhamdulilla students in 3.1 Islamic Studies learned about Zakat, as it is the fourth pillar of Islam. They learned the meaning of Zakat, who gives Zakat and who can have it. They also learned that only 2.5% of the money and assets need to give as Zakat in a year. 3-lesson-24_term-four-zakat

Levels 4 & 5 Arabic Group A2 – Term 4 – Week 3 – Br Zaid

Reposted for WK3 Assalamo Alaikom Dear Parents, In this week, the class has revised the prepositions. Learning the Arabic Prepositions is very important because its structure is used in every day conversation. The more you master it the more you get closer to mastering the Arabic language. For this week (targeting Sunday 30rd October), I would like to seek your assistance to work with your kids to walk though the attached exercise. I would suggest to review previous posts and in class exercises to help you progressing in this one. Exercise:   canberra-islamic-school-arabic-4-5b-t4-wk2 Don’t forget us from Dua’a Jazakom Allaho Khairan, Zaid

Level 1 - Islamic Studies

Assalamu Alaikum Wr Wbr, Dear Parents, Alhamdulillah, hope you had a nice holiday and Welcome back to Term 4! I would also like to welcome all new students and families to CIS! The first couple of weeks will be focused on introducing and teaching the children about the six Articles of Faith in Islam. Please encourage your child to name the six articles of faith each day as follows, inorder to help them learn and understand this very important aspect of Belief in every muslim at this young age. “I Believe in…  ALLAH His ANGELS His BOOKS His PROPHETS Day of JUDGEMENT His DECREE InshaaAllah will keep you all updated on our weekly progress throughout the Term. Wasalam.

Islamic Studies – Level 3 Term 4 – Hajj

Assalamu Alikum Hope all of you had a good break, as we had extended holiday we missed two classes. I hope to cover those two lessons. We missed fifth pillar of Islam, Hajj topic. Students learned how to perform hajj today, the places we have to be in Hajj time and the steps we have to follow. They were given a page to read. Please ask them to read lesson 21 and 22 from their book “We are Muslim”. One page is attached for the students who were absent. 3-lesson-1-term-four

Arabic A2 Levels 4, 5G, Sr Ihsan - Week 4/Term 3

A ssalam Alikom Last week we learnt how to break the words down to make it easier to read the words, using the Australian technique in teaching our kids how to read English words (The triangles). The at tached file is the girls homework, continuing what we have started. Jazakom Allah

Levels 4 & 5B Arabic Group A2 – Term 3 – Week 4 – Br Zaid

Assalamo Alaikom Dear Parents, Starting this term – term 3, the class has been practicing reading, writing and constructing (speaking) basic statements in Arabic as in: Differentiating between Masculine and Feminine Nouns – المذكر و المؤنّثُ Recognizing basic Colours. Building basic sentences using the above. For this week (targeting Sunday 14th August), I would like to seek your assistance to work with your kids to walk though the attached exercise. I would suggest to review previous posts and in class exercises to help you progressing in this one. Exercise:   L4-5 B_Colours Exercise_Br Zaid Don’t forget us from Dua’a Jazakom Allaho Khairan, Zaid

Islamic Studies - Level 3 - Seerat Un Nabi Mohammad (SAW) – Term 3

THE STUDENTS IN Level 3 ARE LEARNING THE LIFE OF PROPHET MOHAMMAD (SAW). Notes were given to them to read through. The students are very interested to learn about the life of our Prophet. It is hard to finish prophet’s life in three lesson so if the notes are given can be read at home would help them to progress with the class.Both the notes are attached here. Seerah of Prophet Mohammad Term 3 Momammad (SAW) Life after prophethood

Level 3 Arabic A1 - Sr Ihsan

  Assalam Alikom This is term 3. We took the Arabic Alphabet Rules to make writing for the kids more easier rather than memorizing the letters’ shapes. Homework is the triangles sheet. Jazakom allah khairan Writing rules

Arabic Level 4 & 5G, A2 - Sr Ihsan

Assalam alikom This is term 3. From lesson 1 to 3, we took the rules of how to write in Arabic make it more easier than just memorizing the alabaits’ different shapes. We took some examples how changing one letter in the word by pronouncing the letter incorrect or just written change, changes the word completely. Moreover, the change of the harkat for the same word, makes differences. For more information, plz see attached PDF. About Homework, papers has been given to the girls ( the Triangles). Writing rules Jazakom allah khairan

Levels 4 & 5B Arabic A2 – Term 3 – Br Zaid

Assalamo Alaikom Dear Parents, In this week, we have introduced the class to the colours in Arabic. Below are the most common colours across most languages. In Arabic, these colours’ name are: أَسْوَد (=  Aswad ) Black أَبْيَض (=  Abaidh ) White أَحْمَر (=  Ahmar ) Red أَصْفَر (=  Asfar ) Yellow أَزْرَق (=  Azraq ) Blue أَخْضَر (=  Akhdhar ) Green زَهْرِي (=  Zahri ) or وَرْدِي (=  Wardi ) Pink بُرْتُقَالِي (=  Burtuqali ) Orange بُنْيِّ (=  Bunni ) Brown بَنَفْسَجِي (=  Banafsaji ) Purple رَمَادِي (=  Ramadi ) Gray Exercise – Translate the following statements into Arabic ones: This is a black pen. That is a green book. This is a blue pen under a brown chair.

Parent-Teacher Interviews: 25 March

Parent Teacher Interviews will be held on   25 March 2018  from 10am. The bookings can be made here: If Parents are unable to make it to the Interviews, please do not send your children to the Masjid as there will be no classes and no supervision There will be no Canteen on the day.

In the Spirit of Ramadan Competition

The entries to the competition can be   found here . Here is a presentation of the Colouring-in and Poster competition as submitted by the students. 20160626 CIS Iftar Presentation

Level 1 - Islamic Studies for Week 8 (12/06/16)

Alhamdulillah, review tests and assessments were done and completed in weeks 6 & 7. Last Sunday the children learnt and followed the different Salah positions, Thakbeer, Qiyam, Rukkuh and so on. Please revise and practice these positions at home with them and most importantly encourage them to join and follow you during fard prayers. Wasalam

CIS Annual Iftar Competitions – Results

The CIS Annual Iftar and Competitions were held on Sunday, 26 June, 2016. Alhamdulillah, it was well-attended. On the day, students, families, staff and community members got together to break the fast, celebrate children’s work and Quran recitation. The entries to the competition can be  found here . Here is a presentation of most of the Colouring-in and Poster competition as submitted by the students. 20160626 CIS Iftar Presentation All children who participated must be congratulated for the great work they put in – judges found it very difficult to grade the entries and were impressed by the great effort put in by all who participated! MashaAllah! The visiting Sheikh, Qari Saad Nasser Qudair judged the Quran Recitation. Coloring-in Competition Results for Levels 1 & 2: Abdullah Qureshi – 1st Aleena Younes – 1st Umaiza Mohammad – 3rd Poster Competition Results for Levels 3 & 4: Raiyan Karim – 1st Ismeta Meskin – 2nd Azka Zahira – 3rd Essay Competition Results for Levels 5 &am

Level 3 Quran Studies Term 2 - Srs Saima & Sayara

Last Sunday we did a short test to see how the kids are learning and how much effort is required to make them even better. Alhamdollilah I saw some really good results and some that need a lot of work. Results will be sent home at the end of term. Meanwhile I have attached this link for a game of word meanings from first 4 Surah’s from Juz ‘Amma Volume 1 book. I hope it will help them improve the word meanings. Next week they will be asked how much they scored and we will have a short competition for them for the highest score, effort behind is to have more understanding of the surah when they recite in salah.

Arabic Level 3, A1 - Sr Ihsan (Assessment Sample)

Assalam alikom parents Enshalla next Sunday the 5th of June is the Arabic Assessment for level 3 group A1. I’ve sent with the kids the books to fill what they’ve missed from pages till letter ر ز , page 8 in the red section, please don’t do after these two letters. And I’ve sent a sample for the assessment with the kids and a new attachment with more details to help the students more in this post, please check it . assessment-1-_-sample- A1 Ihsan Jazakom allah.

Assessment for Level 2 Arabic Reading - Sr Sayara

Assalamualeykum dear parents , next week on 5 June 2016. We are conducting the assessment for level 2 . Steps for the preparation . 1. practisea all  Arabic alphabets  and also the  heavy letters   with the right Makharij خ – ص-ض-غ-ط-ظ-ق You can also find these letter on page no.5 from easy Quran reading. students will be ask to recognise the letters. 2.practise letters with Fatah WA Kasrah .  page no.21 JazakumAllah khairan Sr Sayara

Assessment Arabic Level 3 - Srs Hannan & Sayara

Assalamualeykum Dear Parents. Arabic Assessment L3 with Srs Hannan & Sayara We are conducting the assessment for The Arabic level 3 students for that the students needs to practise short vowels ( fatah , Damma , Kasrah )and long vowels( MADD with ا Aleef) joining letters . Students will be ask to join the three letters with the short vowels. Practise reading page no 29 and 35 from The easy Quran reading book. Practise the right makharij of the Arabic Aphabets Memorise the Heavy letters you can find these letters from page no. 5 easy Quan reading. JazakumAllah khairan Sr Sayara and Sr Hannan

Level 3 Arabic - Sr Ihsan, Good News

Assalam Alikom parents. I have a good news for all of you. No assessment for this week, not this Sunday Next Sunday enshalla, the 5th of June. Enshalla I’ll be sending an example with the kids how is the assessment will be, so they can practice it. Assalam alikom Sr Ihsan

Level 1 Arabic, Term 2 - Sr Saima

  We did a lot of practice last week in class. For this week Students are suppose to revise page 7-10. New students and the students who are struggling with Alphabets will be tested only on page 7.

Level 3, Quran Studies, Term 2 - Srs Saima & Sayara

We finished revision Surah Al-fatiha up to Al-Lahab (5). students are requested to practice at home word meanings, Qalqala letters, Shadda, story behind the surah. There will be a short quiz/test. All kids are expected to attend the class and be prepared including bringing pencil eraser sharpener, so we don’t waste time and focus more on test.

Arabic Levels 3, 4 & 5G - Sr Tahmina

Assalamualaikum. I hope students are getting ready for the test on Sunday.they need to revise suratul Qalam(reciting) and Tajweed rules (Green Easy book)page no(95-102).

Levels 4/5B A2 - Br Zaid – Arabic Assessment Preparation

Assalamo Alaikom Dear Parents, Arabic Assessment Preparation for Level 4/5 boys in group A2 is now available. The aim of this exercise is to prepare the students for the assessment scheduled next Sunday 29/05. We walked through the same exercises during term 1 & term 2. I would like to request dear parents to assist their boys to walk through the preparation exercise. Assessment Preparation File: CIS_Level 4_5B GRP A2_Assessment Preparation_2016 Jazakom Allah Khairan, Br. Zaid

Level 1 Term 2 Islamic Studies for Week 5 (22/05/16)

Assalamu Alaikum Wr Wbr, Alhamdulillah, we are half way through in Term 2 and InshaaAllah, the children will be having a review test next week covering all of the topics done so far from Term 1 onwards. Please revise with your children the following topics done so far, Meanings of Assalamu Alaikum, Bismillah, Alhamdulillah, Subhanallah and InshaaAllah. Times when one would use these above words/phrases  Identify Allah as One and Only God (Al Ahad), He has no Parents or children nor was He born or will die He is not like anything we know (As Samad) Allah is the Creator(Al Khaliq), name things that He created. Meanings of Al Qawi, Ar Razzak How many times we pary to Allah and the names of these prayers Adhan and steps for wudhu TEST WILL BE NEXT WEEK (29/05/16), INSHAAALLAH AND WILL TAKE PLACE DURING THE LAST LESSON. Wasalam.

Level 1, Week 3, Term 2

Asalamoalikum wrmt, This week we again practiced the same pages (7-9) from last week. It was quite upsetting to see not many students practiced at home. We have hardly 30 minutes to teach so we request parents to help your kids revise the pages they have learnt in class. everyday 10-15 minutes are very important for the kids future and most importantly to please ALLAH swt (the more the better). Next few weeks are the assessment weeks. I hope they all do good for term 2 reports.

Level 3 Quran Studies, Week 3 Term 2

This week we revised first 5 surah’s with word meaning and short explanation. InShaALLAh we are ready for the test which will take place in next 1-2 weeks. This week students have been asked to write a story from any of those surah’s to give them confidence and a constant reminder of the story . ***Our Students of the Week are Luay Asfour, Abdullah Khan and Zunairah Sayeed. Masha ALLAH TabarakaALLAH. Luay is been chosen third time in a row for good word meaning and remembering the story of the Surah.(ALLAHO AKBAR). May ALLAH keep all the children achieving high grades and hoping this week some more students will get the title of Student of the week. Keep up the good work.

Arabic Levels 3, 4G and 5G - Sr Tahmina

Assalamualaikum This is Tahmina.This turm we are reciting suratul Qalam and revising more tasweed rules in the class. This week homework is rules of Hamzatul Wasl. In week six we are going to have our test so we are preparing for that in the class.please ask your child to finish his/her home work  every week.InshaAllah hopefully they will do better in their test. best regards Tahmina.

Level 2, Arabic Activity - Term 2 – Arabic Alphabets

Students in Level 2 Arabic Activity learned all the Arabic Alphabets and now they have move on to words made with alphabets. A page was given to the students for practice, as they will learn the alphabets with words. This will be used for the coming test. Please help them to learn the words with alphabets. Arabic Alphabets with words

Level 2 Islamic Studies, Term 2 – Wudu

Students in level 2 Islamic Studies learned the reason for Wudu and how is done step by step. Please follow the steps when they do their Wudu. They were shown a video about wudu Please help the students to do Wudu properly. Alhamdulilla some of them already knows how to do Wudu but need bit practice. Encourage them to do Wudu before Salah. Steps are shown in the homework which is attached. The steps for wudu

Level 3 Islamic Studies, Term 2 – Salah

Student in level 3 learned having cleansed by Wudu how they proceed to perform Salah. They understood Wudu is a ritual cleansing process. Before begin Salah, however,they must have a clean body, a clean place to pray, and wearing clothing free of impurities. As minimum clothing required during Salah. They learned the steps of Salah and what need to be said in each steps. All the students did all the steps in Salah in practical. Salah will be one of the main topic for the coming test in two weeks. A page is attached for as their homework on Salah. This page is not given to the children, please print it and ask the student is level 3.1 to do it. 3 LESSON 14_Term Two_Salah