
Showing posts from February, 2016

Our Duties to Allah - Level 3

Dear Parents Assalamu Alikum This week homework which was distributed to the students. Reading material for the students to read and prepare themselves is lesson 4 in book”We are Muslim”, Please read with them from the Book.  We have done learned basic words for Muslim, please practice those with them and encourage and say the word with them, which fall into habits for them. A worksheet was given to them, please encourage them to finish the homework. Salma Bilquis 3 LESSON 4 What Muslim Say – basic

Level 1 - Islamic Studies Week 5 (28/02/16)

  Assalamu Alaikum Wr Wbr, Today’s lesson, “Assalamu Alaikum”, focused on learning the meaning of this Arabic phrase (Peace be upon you), what we should reply and say with it’s meaning and some of the various occasions one would greet others with “Assalamu Alaikum”. A hadith about greeting others was also learnt by the students, Rasulullah (Sal) said, “Say Assalamu Alaikum and you will love each other”. Finishing off with homework sheets handed out and a reinforcing song called “Assalamu Alaikum” NOTE: Some children are still forgetting to bring along their colourful pocket folder. Please ensure that this is sent along each Sunday.

Enrolment After Week 2 of Term: Waiting-List

  In Term 1 of 2017, enrolments and re-enrolments will be taken in the first 3 weeks. In all other Terms, enrolments after Week 2 will go onto a waiting list to start classes at the beginning of the following term or when suitable arrangements have been made for further intake, inshaAllah This decision was arrived at after considerable consultation and feedback from families and teachers. It has not been taken lightly. With enrolment numbers increasing it has become exceedingly difficult for teachers to manage classes within our limited space and resources. While your child is on the waiting-list, please take the opportunity to keep up with what is going on in class by following updates to homework and news on the website as well as receiving CIS emails and news.

Please Return the ACTCLSA Enrolment Form

Please return the  ACTCLSA Enrolment form   as soon as possible – please have it filled, then signed and stamped from your child’s full-time school before returning it to the CIS Office If you are home-schooling, please attach a copy of the home-school certificate.

Levels 3, 4 & 5G Arabic A1, 2nd & 3rd Week

Asslam Alaikom We learnt how to greet each other in Arabic, in addition to letter ب Click here for the homework. Please go with your kids over the sight words daily as possible. Please don’t forget to sign the sheet to make sure you have seen and gone over the homework with your child. Thanks, Ihsan

Level 3 Arabic A1 – Week 4 (21 Feb, 2016)

Asslam allikom We took the colours in Arabic and did some activities in the class, Please let your child practice them well in addition to their spelling.   Homework : 1) write the colours and their meanings in the exercise book 2) fill the 3rd sheet with the right colour ( word document here ) Please go with your kids over the sight words daily as possible, Please don’t forget to sign the sheet to make sure you have seen and went over the HW with your child. Thanks Ihsan

Level 3 Quran Homework

Asalamoalaikum wrmt wbrkt. Respected Parents Alhamdollilah Kids have started memorising the Quran starting with Surah Al-Fatiha the basic and essential for our salah and every aspect of life. In our class main focus is for kids to recite the surah with proper makharij and understand the meaning.  When we recite Quran or during salah we should understand the theme going behind the words we are pronouncing. attached is the homework we started during class and students are supposed to finish at home and bring back next lesson. Please encourage them to listen to sheikh Al-Husary or any other qari of your choice; or go to Student Corner and  Activity Nook , look for appropriate link and you are all good to go. Kids listening will help them correct their makharij. In Sha Allah al-Fatihah-1 al-Fatihah-2

Level 1 Arabic

Assalamoalaikum wrmt, Alhamdollilah the term is going very fast and we are trying our best to teach kids as much as possible in limited time. We appreciate some help at home and some parents to get involved and encourage kids to go online on our website student corner-activity nook and listen to nasheed and watch Islamic cartoons for Arabic Alphabets. repetition will help them pronounce and understand the alphabet quickly and we can move forward quickly. Second lesson we have given them activity book where they learn to write and practice. we kept the books in class so they don’t forget at home or they don’t loose it. In Sha Allah they will be allowed to take it home at the end of each term or every two terms so parents can see them. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to call me or email me. Massalam Umi Zayyan

Level 1 Islamic Studies, Week 4 (21/02/16)

Today’s lesson topic was: “what Muslims say…” It’s objective was for the children to identify the action of saying nice things as part of having good manners. We looked at some action pictures for this and the children were introduced to some Arabic phrases like, Assalamu Alaikum, Alhamdulillah, InshaaAllah, Subhanallah, Bismillah, Yarhamakallah and so on. We also read the “what Muslims say” mini book and handed out a colouring worksheet with these phrases as part of their homework to colour in the pictures and practice these phrases. PLEASE NOTE: Their homework should be kept in their colourful pocket folder and the folder needs to be brought in to School/masjid every Sunday. All absent worksheets will be in their folder to be completed too.     

Level 1 Islamic Studies, Week 3 (14/02/16)

Alhamdulillah, with the learning outcome “developing a sense of belonging and identity” in mind, during our lesson last Sunday, we recognized each child’s name and then handed out name tags which the children wore during the class. These name tags will remain in school for use each week in class, InshaaAllah, until we get to know all of your children by name. We were also able to discuss and share meanings of some of these beautiful names. The children were also given a colourful A4 document wallet/pocket file with their name on it. You will find in it each weeks homework colouring worksheet stuck on the back of this pocket file is this years topics to be covered (Syllabus), InshaaAllah. Please encourage your child to complete their homework and bring along their pocket file each week to Sunday school, InshaaAllah.

Levels 1 & 2 Arabic

Alhamdollilah It was a great opportunity  to see and talk to quite a few parents about our learning journey and syllabus This year. The parents who missed this opportunity can have a look at our updated syllabus online. Our activity book will be uploaded later this week and will be provided to all the students for second lesson, I am happy to answer any question by email or in between the breaks. All parents are requested to spend 10 minutes every day with their children and encourage them to enjoy the activities on our website/ activity corner. MashaAllah we had another wonderful week, Kids enjoyed learning as much as we enjoyed teaching them. Students practiced their Taud and Tasmiah and Arabic alphabets focusing on bite your tongue letters. which are Tha, Zha and Zua.  Insha Allah I will upload the picture shortly in activity corner.some practice of pronounce and write alphabet is also there.

Term 1, Level 1, Week 1 Arabic

Asalamoalikum wrmt wbrkt, Ahlan wasahlan Marhaba. Welcome to new students and welcome back to all the students from last years. Alhamdollilah we are all happy energized and ready for the year ahead. It was a pleasure to see all the parents and students with energy spirit and desire of learning knowledge. Alhamdollilah today we had our introductory class and next week we will have the information session. Today we learnt about the importance of Arabic alphabets and how to pronounce taud and tasmiah( please check activity nook in student corner for practice). and we also learnt Alif Baa Ta and Tha. we did not rush to learn all the alphabets at once as we wish the kids to learn with proper makharij and by heart. ( please let them practice in study nook). In Sha ALLAH we will continue with more next week until then enjoy your week and encourage kids to practice only 10 minutes a day. BarakaALLAHO feeki. Umi Zayyan.