
Showing posts from April, 2016

Level 1 Week 1 Term 2 Arabic

Asalamoalikum wrmt, Welcomeback to all the parets and studetns specially new students who joined us this term.  Alhamdollilah we did some revision to help new students feel comfortable and welcome in class. I hope some help at home will be provided to motivate kids to practice everyday 10-15 minutes to improve makharij and recognition of Alphabets.. It is highly recommended that students should go to students corner-activity nook and practice Alphabets. Throatle letters, bite your tongue letters. and heavy and light letters.

Level 3, Quran Studies Week 1, Term 2 – 24 April, 2016

Asalamoalikum wmrt, Alhamdollilah it was good to see all the students full of energy and keen to learn. We learnt Surah Al-Lahab. Students are to bring back their home work on Sunday. we learnt the story of Abdul Uzza and his wife’s  punishment in this surah and how we can obey ALLAH swt. We also revised Qalqala letters.

Canteen Ramadhan Special – 21 May

Special Ramadhan Goodie Bags will be available at the Canteen this Sunday – 21 May – the last canteen before Ramadhan starts. Please see the Newsletter for details. All money collected from the sale will be given to Human Appeal International, Australia – a Muslim charity. This a great opportunity as we prepare ourselves for Ramadhan to talk to the children about Sadaqah – a Beautiful Loan given in Allah’s Name – and the immense returns we can get from Allah for it! There will be no canteen during Ramadhan. Canteen Ramadhan Special Flyer

Level 5B – Quran Studies

Assalamo Alaikom dear parents, For next L5B Quran class, I would like to seek your assistance to: help the students understand “ Al-Qalqalah ” explained below. Write down some examples from Surat Al-Balad (refer to textbook or the Holy Quran). Jazakom Allah Khairan and don’t forget us from your Dua’a.   Al-Qalqalah-The Echo! > القلقلة is an echoing sound. There are  five  letters in the quran that are: Qaaf, taa, baa, jeem and daal (ق ط ب ج د )- قطب جد Rule:  Only when there is a sukoon on any of these letters, or if you stop at them. In the Qur’an: an echoing sound that follows the ق ط ب ج د, in their “sukoon” form only (or if you cause it to have a ‘sukoon’, as in stopping at the word that ends with one of these letters). The reason for qalqala is to make sure the letter is heard perfectly. Because when you stop at one of these letters, you’re closing your airway, and the person listening cannot tell what the last letter was. Qalqala needs a lot of practice to be said accurately;

Term 2 Week 1 - Islamic Studies, Level 1 (24/04/16)

Our first topic for this term was, “Allah is One, Allah is Eternal”. Alhamdulillah, after a nice long break it was delightful to see the enthusiastic little children with some new faces too. After getting to know our new friends, the topic was introduced. With the use of some flash cards and a mini book, the children were able to identify the following characteristics of Allah(SWT), Allah is the only One God we pray and worship to. He is Al-Ahad. He was not born nor will He die. He does not have any parents nor any children. He is not like anything we know. Allah is As-Samad. A colouring worksheet to reinforce the Oneness of Allah(SWT) was sent in their plastic folder. *For all new students: Please complete homework and send along in plastic folder every Sunday to school. Wasalam.   

Level 3, Term 2 Islamic Studies – Adhan (Week 1, 24 April)

Student in Islamic Studies in Level 3.1 learned about Adhan. They were happy to learn how to make Adhan as it is an invitation for Muslim people to come for Salah. They also learned the reply for Adhan when it is made. A page was given to students for homework which is added later. 3-LESSON_-12_-Term-Two_Adhan_2016


Assalam alikom I’d like to ask parents kindly to download this game for the kids on their tablets if possible. It's some who looks like reading eggs in English; and the best of all free. Here are the links: Android –> Apple –> “مدرسة المرح “ Jazak Allah

Level 3 Arabic

Assalam alikom parents alhamdullelah our booklet has finished from the printer, your kids had them for one week, hopefully you had a look at them. I’ve taken them back, as we need them in each class. Any way, we took the following letters week 8, و ,   ا ى , ي in week 10 we took ي, ب, ت, ث , ن how they look like in the beginning , middle and end of the word as ب ت ث ن ي has the same shape in the beginning and middle , the dot is the different (found it easier for kids ). بـ تـ ثـ نـ يـ \ ـبـ ـتـ ـثـ ـنـ ـيـ ب ت ث has the same shape at the end of the word; also the number of dots is what makes them different. ـب ـت ـث ي ن has their own shape ـن ـي We practised ا ى ي ب ن enshalla we will continue in term 2. I know its holiday now, but if you can go a quick revision with your kids what we have taken in term 1 , that will be appreciated. Attachment file for practicing, if needed   كراسة 2 Jazakom Allah

Level 3 Islamic Studies: Getting Ready for Salah

Students learned about necessity of Salah  and getting ready mentally and physically for Salah. All the stages of Salah were shown, they need practice everyday. Encourage them to pray with you (parents). Wudu was shown as that is the first to getting ready for Salah. Most of the students knows about wudu but can not synchronise steps one after another. That is also a matter of practice. Please encourage them to do wudu before Salah. Please see the homework is and and brought back on 24 April 2016. 3-LESSON-13_2016_Getting ready for Salah