
Showing posts from 2020

2020 CIS Excursion & Prize-Giving Day

This year, we are staying close to home but nevertheless, going to an exciting place – Powerkart Racing. The activities will be followed by the Prize-Giving Assembly and Lunch, inshaAllah. Registration Essential: please see your email for details They offer 3 activities: Power Kart racing: Power Karts Jungle mini golf Artificial ice skating ( Ice Skating on an artificial ice rink ) We have been able to organise that each person can choose 2 out of the 3 activities 4-7 year-olds can go on the PowerKart Kids circuit: Kids Kart

CIS Fun Day – Scavenger Hunt

CIS Fun Day is on Nov 1, 2020. There are no classes on the day. Unfortunately, we have reached capacity for the event and cannot take any more registrations. InshaAllah, we will have the Annual Excursion and Prize-Giving Day to celebrate the hard work of students and teachers at the end of Term 4.

Term 4 2020 Begins Oct 11

Classes will resume on Sun, 11 October, InshaAllah Classes are still online and will, inshaAllah, return face-to-face as soon as we are allowed to. Major events this Term: Term 4 Dates 11 Oct – 13 Dec 2020 CIS Get-Together Being planned Prize-Giving Assembly Sun, 13 December

CIS Holiday Program

During the challenge of staying home under the Lockdown, those who wish to, can join one of the CIS Holiday Programs which is running most days of the week and weekends until April 24, inshaAllah: Holidays with the Prophets of Allah (for students aged 10 years and above) Quran and Arabic for All Fun Learning (for 5-9 year olds) All lessons are online and involves interactive learning through activities, games, story-telling and reading. If you wish to join one of the above programs,  please let us know . You may choose to join one of more of the lessons. Only students enrolled at CIS are able to participate in the program.

Classes Continue Online

Alhamdulillah, within a few days of the suspension of face-to-face classes, we were able to start some classes online using Google Meet. And on 29 March, all except 3 classes went online. As we continue to train teachers (online), insha’Allah, all classes will be run online. We are hoping for full access to Google Classrooms which will enable teachers to deliver lessons and resources better and for students to have a better online experience in learning. InshaAllah May Allah enable us and continue to guide and protect all of us.

Term 1 Parent-Teacher Interviews – Cancelled

Parent-Teacher Interviews A few things to note: Parent-Teacher Interviews are the best avenue to meet your child’s teachers and share important information about their learning and well-being If you are unable to come to the Interviews, please do not send your child to school as there will be no classes and no supervision on the day. This is the first day of the end of daylight savings There will be no canteen on the day The first day of Term 2 is April 26, inshaAllah. If you have not submitted the ACT CLSA enrolment form, please do so immediately. It needs to be  signed and stamped by your child's full-time school :  ACTCLSA Enrolment Form

Classes have Gone Online

The ACT Education Directorate has asked that all school premises hiring be suspended until further notice. This means CIS classes are on hold until further notice. Khair, Alhamdulillah. That said, we are trying our best to put in place a system by which we can deliver classes online or at least be able to provide you with worksheets and activities which you can use with your children. InshaAllah. So far, we are exploring Google Classrooms, Zoom and other platforms. If any of you have any experience or some time to spare to help set this up, I’d really appreciate it.  The closure also means: Parent-Teacher Meetings that were scheduled for April 5 are cancelled the CIS AGM will be postponed until it can be rescheduled The Annual CIS Iftar that we have been preparing for is on hold until the situation changes for the better, inshaAllah. In the meantime, we are trying to set up the online classes – please look out for the notice about this.

CIS Enrolments 2020

Enrolments at Canberra Islamic School Enrolments are open for 2020. If you wish to enrol your children, please fill in the online enrolment form here: CIS Online Enrolment Form Please complete the form and enrolments will need to be completed on Enrolment Day, Sunday, 9 February 2020. On the day, you can pay fees, buy books and meet staff and returning and new students and families, inshaAllah. Enrolments: 11am-1pm Venue: Melrose High School Hall, 35 Marr St, Pearce Classes will start on Sun, 16 Feb at 10am, inshaAllah.