
Showing posts from April, 2020

CIS Holiday Program

During the challenge of staying home under the Lockdown, those who wish to, can join one of the CIS Holiday Programs which is running most days of the week and weekends until April 24, inshaAllah: Holidays with the Prophets of Allah (for students aged 10 years and above) Quran and Arabic for All Fun Learning (for 5-9 year olds) All lessons are online and involves interactive learning through activities, games, story-telling and reading. If you wish to join one of the above programs,  please let us know . You may choose to join one of more of the lessons. Only students enrolled at CIS are able to participate in the program.

Classes Continue Online

Alhamdulillah, within a few days of the suspension of face-to-face classes, we were able to start some classes online using Google Meet. And on 29 March, all except 3 classes went online. As we continue to train teachers (online), insha’Allah, all classes will be run online. We are hoping for full access to Google Classrooms which will enable teachers to deliver lessons and resources better and for students to have a better online experience in learning. InshaAllah May Allah enable us and continue to guide and protect all of us.