
Showing posts from April, 2022

CIS Annual Iftar 2022 Artwork submissions

Here are the beautiful submissions for Ramadhan artwork 2022.  You will also find photos from 2021 Semester 1 Prize-Giving Assembly The file is accessible only by CIS Accounts (Students and Teachers)

Term 1 Parent-Teacher Interviews

Parent-Teacher Interviews were held online on 3 March, 2022 between 10am and 12:30pm Many of the interviews went without a hitch, Alhamdulillah. But there were many for which the Meet links were incorrect. There was some issue with Meet links that were generated, we are still trying to resolve it.  For those who were unable to talk to their child's teachers or to contact them at any time, their email addresses are given in the email titled " Corrected Meet Links PT Interviews".

The Annual CIS Iftar - 2022

It was such a blessing that we could have a gathering for the CIS Iftar on Sunday, 3 April. Alhamdulillah! It was especially cooling to the heart to see so many young helpers don gloves and help with the Iftar plating and setup with excitement and smiles! MashaAllah, well done! Jazakumullahu Khairan to: all the helpers all contributions toward the Iftar and dessert and all attendees!  And an extra special thank you to: those who stayed the hard slog through the final clean-up, tidying and putting away materials to their rightful place, and  to those who went above and beyond and helped out from setup to pack-up.  We could not have done it without each and every one!  Alhamdulillah! CIS Families would have received an email with a link to the photos and videos from the occasion.