
Showing posts from August, 2017

Lessons for Islamic Studies - Level 1

Assalamu Aalikum Wr Wbr, Alhamdulillah the year has gone by quickly and has been fruitful at CIS. My appologies for not posting earlier on this year due to some issues I had with my log in, however JazzakhAllah Khair for your support in the continuity of learning for your child in Islamic studies where our communication has been through the coloured plastic folder and our parent teacher interviews, Alhamdulillah! We began our Term by looking at the duties of a muslim, the five pillars. The children are very good at naming them both in Arabic and english as well as saying the shahadah and naming all the five compulsory prayers relating it to times they are offered during the day. They have a sound understanding of fasting and Zakah too, Allahu Akbar! MashAllah, last lesson we began to focus on Hajj, the fifth pillar and an event that is taking place presently. Please find below an information worksheet which include all the main points we discussed in class. This will help you encourage

Levels 4-7: Story of Hajj

Please read the following stories in preparations for the quiz on the 17th of September. 01-Levels 4-7 The Story of Hajj 02-Levels 4-7 Hajj Brief Summary 03-Level 4-7-Importance of the first 10 days of Dhul Hajj

Levels 3 & 4 – A2 Arabic Homework, 13 Aug, 2017

  Tanween Kasra and Tanween Dhamma Today we learnt Tanween Kasra and Dhamma. The lessons can be found on pages 55 to 59 of Easy Quran Reading The following exercise was given in class (this needs to be completed at home and stuck in their exercise book):  Tanween-Kasra The following is homework:  Tanween Writing Excercises For those who were away, please catch up with the lesson and complete the homework.

Quran Learning Links

  Quran Learning – Juz ‘Amma Links To help with Quran understanding, recitation and memorization it is very important to spend some time  everyday  to read, recite, understand and memorize. Here are some tools that can be helpful: A parent/teacher to teach, listen and correct recitation and memorization daily/regularly. use a Quran App or CD or online resource to listen-to and repeat the ayaat they have to memorize: Highly recommended for Levels 1-5:  Quran IQ for FREE at . This is a really good app  to learn and understand the meaning of words and ayaat  of surahs that the children are currently learning from Levels 1-5. It comes in the form of short lessons which are marked and can be tracked. For Example: Level 1-3: Lessons 1 to 15 Level 4: Lessons 57 to 79 Level 5: Suratul A’laa – lessons 148 to 157; al-Ghashiya – lessons 139 to 147 al-Fajr – lessons 125 to 138 al-Balad – lessons 115 to 124 Highly recommended