2018 Enrolment Day – Sunday, 4 February


The 2018 Enrolment Day: Sun, 4 February

From 10:30am to 1:00pm

At 130 Empire Circuit, Yarralumla

All new and returning students have to enrol for 2018.

In 2018, we are having to restrict student numbers to 20 students per Level and are offering existing students the first opportunity to re-enrol. We have had to come to this decision after much deliberation for many reasons:
  • the Masjid is not equipped for the large numbers and this has put our children’s safety at risk
  • teachers have not been able to teach effectively due to large class sizes
  • students have had trouble learning in class

it is hoped that parents and students take the Islamic education offered at CIS seriously knowing that many others are missing out.

Enrolment Conditions: this is a summary of conditions you need to be aware of:

  1. Students must turn 5 years old on or before 30 April of the year of enrolment or have started Kindergarten
  2. Attend regularly
  3. Inform absences of more than 1 day
  4. If absent for 3 continuous days, parents will be contacted re continuation/cancellation of enrolment


Payments can be made online to:

Account Name: Canberra Islamic School;

BSB: 062 900

Account Number: 00080 1697

Parents are encouraged to volunteer some of their time towards CIS. It could be with supervising children during recesses, helping out in the classrooms, teaching, etc. Please see a staff member or volunteer online.