ACT-CLSA Open Day - Foods in the Quran & Performance

The ACT-CLSA Open Day

CIS: Foods in the Quran & Performance

13 August, 2022

Some of our students and their families took part in the Community Language Schools Open Day on Saturday 13 August, 2022 at the Albert Hall, Yarralumla.

On the stage, students sang our school Nasheed - Allahu Rabbee and Say He is Allah the Only Onefollowed by short talks about Foods in the Quran.
The Foods in the Quran display and activities were presented as a learning activity followed by electronic games to reinforce the names of foods learnt and find-a-word puzzles and matching pictures to names. To round it off, participants were given a selection of fruits and vegetables to taste!

SubhanAllah, it was most heart-warming to see Muslim and non-Muslim participants take an active interest in learning and playing the activities and games to learn some of the names of fruits and vegetables mentioned in the Quran. 


A big thank you to parents and volunteers, those who bought all the fruit and foods for the display, the creators of the stunning displays, those who helped setup and pack up, everyone who helped in any way at all, and most of all, the children participants  - Jazakumullahu Khairan! We couldn't have done it without each and everyone of you!