Foods in the Quran Display & Activity - AMV Eidul Fitr Festival

Foods in the Quran Display & Activity

AMV-CIC Eidul Fitr Festival

8 May, 2022

At the Australian Muslim Voice & Canberra Islamic Centre's  Eidul Fitr Festival on 8 May 2022, some of our students presented an amazing interactive activity about Foods in the Quran.

The Foods in the Quran display and activity stall included learning activities and interactive games to learn the names and about some of the fruits and foods mentioned in the Quran. Students planned and practiced over the school holidays, which was also Ramadhan - they learnt the Arabic names, designed, drew and painted a large banner, wrote and practiced small talks about Ramadhan, Eid and foods in the Quran. They had a lot of fun and bonded well as a team, MashaAllah.

SubhanAllah, it was most heart-warming to see their dedication and enthusiastic participation - explaining about the foods mentioned in the Quran and showing the display of various foods, then taking young and the not-so-young through the interactive activities and games to help learn some of the names of fruits and vegetables mentioned in the Quran. To round it off, visitors were given a selection of fruits to taste!

A big thank you to parents and volunteers - for bringing the children to the planning and rehearsals (during Ramadhan and after Eid), buying all the fruit and foods for the display, the creators of the stunning display, those who helped setup and pack up, everyone who helped in any way at all, and most of all, the children participants  - Jazakumullahu Khairan! We couldn't have done it without each and everyone of you!

Some photos of the event: